Tasting Room Hours:
Mon-Thu: 11-6
Fri-Sat: 11-7
Sun: 12-5
Please, no groups larger than 10 without notice.

The Walloon Lake Winery family is dedicated to being good stewards of the earth and we are committed to treating the earth gently with all the decisions we make on the farm. We feel it is our responsibility to farm with our future generations in mind and we focus on this with the decisions made on the farm regarding the
vineyard, winery, and our beautiful community. Below is an overview of the areas we have been working on to create a happy healthy place to live, work, and play.
Integrated Pest Management:
We use integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach for our insect and disease management. IPM is an integrated systems approach to pests and diseases that combines an array of farming practice with careful monitoring of pests and their natural enemies to prevent crop damage. A big part of this approach focuses
on getting boots on the ground in the vineyard to monitor any possible pest or disease problems early and use organic oils and or sprays when necessary.
Bird Habitat:
We use bird houses to attract Kestrels to help combat rodents. We are working on
establishing a bird friendly habitat that encourages many bird species to inhabit the property. We have erected bat houses, added more blue bird houses, and added to our Monarch Butterfly Habitat area.
Insect Habitat:
We have extensive property dedicated to different beneficial insect habitats. From leaving areas unmowed, to cultivating Milkweed, to not spraying pesticides, any area not dedicated to grape growing or customer space has been managed for insect habitat. We are a certified Monarch Waystation.
Cover Crops:
We continue to manage cover crops in the vineyard such as clover and are experimenting with a variety of ideas to promote a habitat that attracts beneficial insects, birds, and predators to the vineyard and cut down on weed competition within the vines.
Hazardous Materials Management:
We have a building specifically for storing and mixing any spray materials. We use hot or ozonated water to effectively sanitize our winemaking equipment, reducing our reliance on cleaning chemicals.
We are committed to composting all vegetative materials on the farm. We also compost food waste both vegetable and non-vegetable. We have a food digestor that will decompose all non-plant waste including meat and bones.
Solid Waste Reduction and Management:
We utilize a winery recycling program for most materials including glass, cardboard, pallets, stretch plastic wrap, batteries, fluorescent bulbs, and office paper. All events are expected to use washable or compostable dishware.
Other Areas of Environmental Awareness and Protection:
MAEAP Certified: (MAEAP: Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program) This program certifies that our farming practices conform to the highest environmental standards set up by the State of Michigan.
We are members of Great Lakes Sustainable Wine Alliance.
We have replaced all plastic vine ties with jute (natural fiber).
Adopt a Highway Program: We have adopted Intertown Road and the staff at Walloon Lake Winery keeps the road cleaned up and trash free.
Our driveway is intentionally unpaved so that rain water will enter the water table without passing through asphalt.
Events hosted at our winery understand our “Treat the Earth Gently” policies. When a wedding or event is hosted at the winery we do not allow plastic water bottles, or throw away table ware, we provide washable reusable table service.
We have hosted workshops about Invasive Species and Recycling.